Pameran Kerjaya UPM (23-24 Julai 2009)
Filed under: Author:chayuk2!!! MOfaz!!
Filed under: Author:
"You will never find a friendly and family type of company as MOFAZ. Where your president's concern and hospitality flow from highest rank, down until the lowest ranking employees......." ( Nik Norzehan, HR Executive )
"Mofaz will be the right place for you to kick start and build your career...Opportunities are there for you to grab! Don't miss it!" (Mr Lim, Employee in Mofaz)
"I have been with Mofaz for more than 18 years... I would like to thank MOFAZ for providing me such a great evnrionment for growth and success.!!!"( Terry Yap, Suzuki Branch Manager)
"Working in MOFAZ...It is more than experience that you gained... It is more than salary that you get... It is more satisfaction than if you got a billion dollar!"
wE aRe lOoKing 4 sOmEbody wHo iS eNergEtic eNthutiast n sMaRt 2 fill uP tHe pOsitiOn beLow! Come N jOin uS..
Filed under: Author:MOFAZ MANAGEMENT SEED DRIVE 2009
Group Management Division
1. Management Seed Program (Start right from your OJT / Internship)
2. Accounts Assistant (fresh diploma graduate)
3. Company Secretary (ICSA certified only)
Automotive Division (Industrial experience position)
1. Sales Consultant (High Basic + High Commission + AttractiveIncentive)
2. Automotive Technician / Foreman (min. 1 yr experience)
3. Service Centre Manager (Kota Bahru & KL)
4. Sales Manager (min. 5 yrs experience, based at Kota Bahru)
5. Field Operation Executive (with relevant experience in automotive only)
Domestic & International Trade Division
1.International Trade Manager
2.Trade Development Exec
3 Key Accounts Executive / Manager
Let's together live our philosophy, drive for Dedication Towards Excellence!
Zero Tolerance
MOSB Team Building -16 May 2009 -
Filed under: Author:Objektiv utama aktiviti ini dijalankan adalah untuk meningkatkan moral serta memupuk semangat kerja sepasukan antara satu sama lain.
MORAC Operation Training -27 June 2009-
Filed under: Author:Paintball Fever
Filed under: Author:Individu yang bertanggungjawab dalam menguruskan jadual riadah ini ialah Encik Jamal dari MOSB (Suzuki)